In considering the cost of our school uniform, we have kept the use of items with logos to a minimum.  Please do not feel the need to provide a school jumper or cardigan with a logo.  Plain jumpers, available at supermarkets or charity shops are equally as good.   

The company that do supply our logo items give the highest priority to cost and value for money (including the quality and durability of the garments). 

We do have a good supply of second-hand uniforms available for parents to acquire.

Please make contact with your child’s teacher, the Headteacher or the office if you would like to view our second-hand uniform rails.   



Roach Vale Uniform can be ordered from either School Trends or My Clothing.  Please click on one of the
following links:





All items of clothing should be clearly named


Trousers or Shorts Grey                                                                         
Skirts - KNEE LENGTH Grey
Pinafore Dresses Grey
Cullotes Grey
Summer Dresses Red and White 
Jumpers, Sweatshirts or Cardigans (No Fleeces in class) Red
Polo Shirts White
Socks or Tights Grey or White

Shoes                                                                                                    Black – All black trainers are permitted (Plain/No logos or added colour)


Children should NOT wear jeans or sports clothes during the normal school day.  


Also required Colour permitted
Book Bag  Red
Sunhat (during the Summer Term) Any colour
Clear NAMED Water Bottle Plain coloured


PE clothing  

All children are expected to arrive in correct PE kit on the day of their PE lesson.     


Shorts Black
T-Shirt White (Plain - NO Logos)
Sweatshirt Black - No Hood (Plain - NO logos)
Jog bottoms Black - No Leggings (Plain - NO logos)
Socks Grey or white (Plain)
Trainers Black â€“ All black trainers are permitted (Plain/No logos or added colour)

If children must wear earrings, only one small stud is allowed and these must be removed for PE.

Hair accessories should be kept to a minimum and should be school colours only.

Book bags, PE bags and sun hats are available to purchased through School Gateway, they can then be collected from the school office.