How to Apply for a Place at Roach Vale Primary School
We consider applications for each relevant age group via the Local Authority. They will apply for school places on your behalf. If you would like to apply for your child to attend Roach Vale Primary School, please use the following link to apply for a place:
Parents can also call the following number: 0845 603 2200 or email:
You should complete and submit this form online. If you have more than one child, you will need to complete a separate online form for each child. Once you have sent in the form, School Admissions will contact us, and School Admissions will then write to you by letter (normally within 15 days) to confirm the outcome of your application. If a place is available, one will be offered.
Changing Schools
Changing schools is a serious step to take, so before applying please discuss the reasons for your request with Miss Denyer (Headteacher). If you want to transfer from one local school to another, you should not remove your child from Roach Vale Primary School before securing a place at another school.
How many pupils do we take in each year group?
The Published Admission Number (PAN) is the maximum number of pupils that the admission authority will admit to each year group. Our school published number to admit (PAN) is 30 pupils per year group. This number has been agreed with the Local Authority. This means that our school will take a maximum of 210 pupils.
There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admissions area.
In the event of over subscription, places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:
In the event of over subscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distanct from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority.
Exceptional medical cicumstances (supported by medical evidence) may override the above (other than looked after and previously looked after children).
Agreement for children living in the prority admission area:
See page 11 of the Primary Educationin Essex 2020/2021 booklet.
Any queries regarding school admission please click the followinglink : to be directed to the Essec County Council admissions website.
School Web Directory UK - Search schools by County
The primary point of contact if you are looking for a school in a new area is the Local Education Authority (LEA or LA)