
Our approach to learning at home has been developed through consultation with children, parents and carers and is based on educational research. 


Core Learning Tasks


Reading is the cornerstone of education as it builds children's vocabularly, enabling them to write with confidence, understand subject specific learning, express themselves verbally and make sense of the world around them. There is a wealth of research demonstrating the positive impact of reading regularly and for pleasure on children's outcomes in school and throughout their life. For this reason, we make reading the priority for learning at home. Children are expected to read at least 5 times per week and have this recorded in their reading diary. Those that achieve this are entered into a half termly raffle to win a brand new book to enjoy. 

We also ask children to learn and practise their times tables and associated facts at home. We use Times Table Rockstars and encourage children to take part in tournaments and practise weekly at home. 



Project Tasks


In the second half of each term, children will be asked to complete a project at home. The projects are designed to allow children the opportunity to work creatively and explore exciting, interesting subjects outside of school. At the end of the half term, children are then invited to present their project to the class. Presenting helps children develop skills of oracy, develops confidence and allows everyone to celebrate the learning we have all done. 


The table below lays out the home learning we set across the year. If you need support accessing our home learning please contact the school office who will be happy to help. 



Core learning tasks

Project Tasks


·         Phonics or spelling key word practice

·         Reading 5 or more times a week

·         Weekly Time Table Rock Stars practice


·         In the second half of each term we will send home a project learning task.

o    Projects will be designed to encourage discussion and creativity

o    Children will present their project to the class at the end of the half term


Home Learning Policy