At Roach Vale Primary School we pride ourselves on our inclusive approach and work hard to make reasonable adaptations so all children can flourish and thrive during their time here. For information on how we achieve there, please read our SEND Policy here.
Mrs J Canning is our Special Educational Needs coordinator.
Email -
Phone - 01206 861324
Please click the following link for more information on the local authority’s local offer:
Parents can call the School Nursing Team for advice and support on 0300 247 0015. This service is Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. If your call is not answered, you are welcome to leave a message and your call will be returned.
Parents can call the Educational Psychology Helpline for advice on Mondays 1pm until 5pm number 01245 433293, term time only.
Parents, carers, children and young people can access information, advice and support on issues related to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) from their local SEND Information, Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) and also through the national Contact helpline.
Essex SENDIASS Helpline: 0333 013 8913 (9am-4pm, Monday – Friday, term-time only)
Contact Helpline: 0808 808 3555 (9.30am-5pm, Monday – Friday)
Children's and Adolescent's Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Website:
Contact telephone: 0800 953 0222 (9am-5pm, Monday- Friday)
If you need urgent help or out of hours help: Call NELFT out of hours: 0800 995 1000