
  • To ensure all pupils achieve their full potential in art
  • To build a solid foundation of art knowledge and skills so that pupils can experiment, invent and create their own works of art and evaluate them
  • To ensure all pupils develop a rigorous understanding of the different aspects of art e.g. collage, drawing, painting, modelling, printing and sewing
  • To know about great artists from around the world e.g. Frida Kahlo (Mexico), Van Gogh (Netherlands), Henri Rousseau (France), Pablo Picasso (Spain) and Paul Klee (Germany)

When studying each aspect of art, children will be able to explore their creativity to produce original work.  Children’s skills will progress and they will develop a more thorough understanding of the different aspects of art.  They will also learn about about great artists from around the world and how their art has reflected and shaped our history, and contributed to the culture and creativity of the global community. 

Throughout the Art curriculum there are links with other curriculum areas e.g.

  • Science: Year 2 - plants, Year 5 – Space and Year 1 – Animal
  • Geography: Year 2 - African animals, Year 4 – China
  • History: Year 1 – Royalty and Grace Darling, Year 3 – Stone Age and Romans, Year 4 – Shang Dynasty and Kings and Queens, Year 5 – Ancient Maya and Greeks, Year 6 – Ancient Egypt

Children will be given the opportunity to display and share the art work they create. 






  • To ensure all pupils achieve their full potential in art
  • To build a solid foundation of art knowledge and skills so that pupils can experiment, invent and create their own works of art and evaluate them
  • To ensure all pupils develop a rigorous understanding of the different aspects of art e.g. collage, drawing, painting, modelling, printing and sewing
  • To know about great artists from around the world e.g. Frida Kahlo (Mexico), Van Gogh (Netherlands), Henri Rousseau (France), Pablo Picasso (Spain) and Paul Klee (Germany)

When studying each aspect of art, children will be able to explore their creativity to produce original work.  Children’s skills will progress and they will develop a more thorough understanding of the different aspects of art.  They will also learn about about great artists from around the world and how their art has reflected and shaped our history, and contributed to the culture and creativity of the global community. 

Throughout the Art curriculum there are links with other curriculum areas e.g.

  • Science: Year 2 - plants, Year 5 – Space and Year 1 – Animal
  • Geography: Year 2 - African animals, Year 4 – China
  • History: Year 1 – Royalty and Grace Darling, Year 3 – Stone Age and Romans, Year 4 – Shang Dynasty and Kings and Queens, Year 5 – Ancient Maya and Greeks, Year 6 – Ancient Egypt

Children will be given the opportunity to display and share the art work they create. 

