Click here: Accessibility Plan 2022
Roach Vale Primary School's SEND Information Report
School Ethos for SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities)
Roach Vale Primary School is inclusive and aims to meet the needs of every pupil. We recognise the importance of quality teaching and that some pupils will, at some stage, require a more personalised approach to enable them to meet their potential. We want our school to be a safe, secure and happy environment where children feel valued and are able to access a balanced, relevant and stimulating curriculum. We understand that sometimes some children will need support that is ‘different from or additional to’ that provided in our differentiated curriculum.
The broad areas of SEND needs are:
We always work within the requirements of the latest SEN Code of Practice.
Identification and Early Intervention
We aim to identify children with SEN using a graduated approach. This will be done using a range of assessments and observations and gathering evidence from teachers, parents, SENCO, support staff and other relevant professionals. Concerns are first raised and addressed through normal classroom practice and observation. Where a pupil is identified as having additional needs, then further support and strategies for learning will be planned to reduce the individual barriers. This could be done through focused group work, specific programs, one to one support or therapeutic support. Other professionals may also be involved where appropriate. Where personalised provision beyond normal, differentiated classroom approaches and learning arrangements are considered appropriate we will work together with the family through a child centred approach. This will take the form of a One Plan. This plan will be monitored and reviewed on a termly basis, involving the parents and children.
Indicators for receiving additional support include: parental concern, teachers or other specialist support – this is supported by evidence that despite a differentiated curriculum and school based interventions over a sustained period:
If a parent thinks their child may have special educational needs or if parents have concerns relating to their child’s learning or inclusion, then please initially discuss these with your child’s teacher. This then may result in a referral to the school SENCO, Mrs Joanne Canning who is a qualified teacher and works Monday - Friday. You can contact her through the school office by telephone, 01206 861324.
Information on the kinds of SEN provision made at Roach Vale
All pupils are provided with high quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. Teachers are responsible for planning work to meet the individual learners’ needs and plan the deployment of additional staff to promote independence and contribute to raising achievement. We also ensure we have appropriate resources in school to support learning for children with SEN.
When a specific need is identified the pupil may be placed in an intervention (1:1 or group work), which may be run by the class teacher or a learning support assisstant. Additional support for children is timetabled by the school as is deemed appropriate, to meet the needs of each individual child. Interventions are planned that respond to learning, emotional, behavioural, physical (eg. fine or gross motor skills) and social needs. These may include: Working together with Lego, Teodorescu Handwriting, Gym Trail, Fine motor skills, Socially Speaking, Personalised Speech and Language programmes set by Speech Therapists, The Power of One, Precision teaching, Little Wandle Phonics. All interventions have pre and post assessment measures and are used to measure impact and progress. We follow the assess, plan, do, review model and interventions are adapted, changed or stopped as required and analysis of progress used to inform future planning. The length of time of the intervention may also vary according to need.
If a pupil’s needs are additional a One Plan is created by the child, parents, SENCO and class teacher and when appropriate other relevant professionals. This process will identify outcomes for the child and how they may be achieved.
If a pupil’s needs are more complex an assessment of educational, health and care needs may be undertaken by the local authority and an EHC Plan developed. Following the Code of Practice 2014 (section 7:2) an EHCP can be requested by a young person (over 16 or an advocate on their behalf), a child’s parent or a person who is acting on behalf of the school. Following this, The Code of Practice (section 7:1) states that the Local Authority must conduct an assessment and then prepare an EHCP when: SEN provision cannot be provided from within resources normally available to mainstream, early years providers and schools; it follows on from One Planning. EHC plans must be focused on the outcomes of each child and create a plan detailing how services will work together to support individual needs. These are then reviewed annually. An assessment will not always lead to the creation of an EHCP.
At Roach Vale we have a pastoral Support Team which includes a school based ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and a play therapist/family support worker from ‘Emerging Butterflies’. This means we can provide emotional and mental wellbeing support that focusses on nurturing the individual needs of each child, as well as providing support for families and parents with appropriate strategies to address parental concerns.
Partnership Ethos with the school
We believe that home and school should work together in partnership to provide the best possible outcomes for each child. Parents and carers are encouraged to take an active involvement in school life; for example, supporting home learning, attending meetings and helping out with events and activities. We ask parents and carers to share relevant information from home with us and we aim to provide information about each child that is helpful and clear. This will include regular progress reports, access to support from other professionals e.g. School Nurse, Play Therapist, Family Support Worker and information relating to individual plans.
How can parents help to support their child?
Arrangements for consulting with children and young people with SEN
At Roach Vale our approach to SEND support is child centred. We want all of our children, including those with SEND, to feel confident and to have high expectations of themselves so that they can achieve. Children with SEND share their thoughts and feelings alongside their parents/carers views and the views of the school staff and relevant professionals within discussions about their education e.g. when writing a One Plan or Annual Review. The child is always invited to attend their One Plan meeting and share their views, although when it is not deemed appropriate for the child to attend these meetings, due to individual needs, their views are obtained separately and added into the plan. Other opportunities for gathering pupil voice may be through informal discussions with their class teacher or the SENCO and pupil perception surveys.
Complaints concerning to the provision made at the school for pupils with SEND
We encourage parents to raise any questions or concerns with us at an early stage, in order that issues can be resolved quickly and informally. We will look to achieve mutual understanding and agreement about all matters relating to an individual pupil. We encourage parents to discuss their concerns firstly with their class teacher, then the school's SENCO (Mrs Canning) as they are often best to resolve concerns about the child.
Should a parent feel that a significant concern has not been sufficiently resolved, they should address the matter in writing to the Head Teacher (Miss Denyer) in the first instance. The school will then follow the Complaints Procedure where necessary.
Please see the Complaints Policy (a copy can also be requested from the school office)
Information about the expertise of staff and how specialist expertise will be secured:
The school provides relevant training to staff to ensure current needs are met. Through our partnership with other local schools in our local authority cluster group we are kept up to date on additional provision strategies and share examples of good practise.
All teaching and support staff are responsible for all children in their care, including those with SEN. They are responsible for ensuring the needs of each child are met (education, health and social) and ongoing staff training and development is planned to meet this requirement.
Where a child has a specific need, relevant training, advice and support can be accessed on a child’s behalf through:
The SENCO will make appropriate referrals to support the child’s needs, in liaison with the family, and will continue to liaise with outside agencies where an assessment has indicated a need.
Information about assessment, reviewing progress and adaptations to curriculum, additional support and wider support
The progress of all children, including those with SEN, is monitored and assessed regularly (termly) by class teachers, subject leaders and senior managers. If the school has concerns about the progress of individual pupils, further analysis/investigation will be carried out to identify what the barriers are and what could be done to overcome them. Pupils and parents/carers will be consulted where appropriate.
All pupils on the SEN register have termly One Plan meetings. These are used in part to plan provision of interventions, and includes discussion and monitoring of progress, the setting of new outcomes and discussion of strategies to be used to increase attainment. The outcomes on children’s One Plans will be monitored regularly and reviewed with the parents and child termly - copies are then sent home.
Adjustments to the type of support/level and/or the curriculum will be made where necessary. Any adjustments will be recorded, monitored and evaluated in consultation with pupils and parents/carers. This consultation may involve other professionals or agencies.
The SENCO has an open door policy, and will endeavour to see parents as soon as possible if an appointment is requested. Contact can be made in person, via telephone or appointments can be made via the school office.
Information about resources, equipment and facilities to support children with SEN
The school makes every effort to ensure all children have full access to the curriculum and, where possible, specific equipment and facilities are provided. We have a variety of specialist resources to support learning, for example:
Visual timetables, bespoke visual supports – now and then boards, pencil grips, writing slopes, wobble cushions, sensory fiddle toys, overlays/reading rulers, talking postcards, chair bands, footrests.
Children may also be supported by:
If anything further is required this can be sourced by the school itself. If a child has complex/severe special educational needs, we could also receive additional funding from the Local Authority to meet the agreed outcomes.
Children with Medical Needs
Pupils with medical needs will be provided with an Individual Health and Care Plan and Risk Assessment where necessary. These will be compiled in partnership with the school nurse and parents and the pupil themselves.
Staff who administer and supervise medications, have all had up to date Paediatric First aid training. All medicine administration procedures adhere to the LA policy and Department of Education (DfE) guidelines included within ‘Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions (DfE) 2015 (updated August 2017) and identified in the School Medicine Administration Policy.
Support for children’s overall well-being
The school offers several strategies for emotional and wellbeing support, these include:
School arrangements for signposting pupils transferring between stages of education and preparing for independent living
At each yearly Summer transition point throughout the school children spend at least one morning in their new class with the new staff. Where it is appropriate additional visits to classes, toilets etc. will be organised in order for the children to further familiarise themselves with the staff and setting. If required transition photobooks will be made. Towards the end of the Summer term transition One Plan meetings take place with the child, parents, SENCO and both the current and next year’s class teachers.
When pupils transfer to Secondary school, the Year 6 staff and SENCO will meet with each school to transfer information. All school records will transfer, including historical SEN records. Where it is deemed appropriate the SENCO will also liaise with the Secondary school SENCO to arrange additional transition arrangements. It may also be necessary to seek advice from the school inclusion partner or Social Care to support with transitions.
For year 6 pupils with an EHCP the secondary SENCo will be invited to Annual reviews and One plan meetings during the final year. Additional visits will be arranged in the Summer term with the completion of an updated One Page profile.
The school will directly involve the pupil and parents/carers in all arrangements.
Admission arrangements for Children with SEND
The admission arrangements for all pupils are in accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. This includes children with any level of SEND; those with Education, Health and Care Plans and those without.
The SENCO and Class Teacher initiate contact with parents and pre-schools when the school is alerted of the additional needs of a child. Parents and pre-school settings are then invited to liaise with the school in order to organise transition arrangements. When children join Roach Vale after Early Years Foundation Stage, we endeavour to gain as much information as possible about the child’s needs and the support that child has received from their previous school. There may also be a need to contact outside agencies.
Preventing pupils with SEND being treated less favourably than other pupils
Please read this section alongside Roach Vales Anti-Bullying Policy. At Roach Vale we are determined that all members of our school community are treated with fairness and respect. This determination is communicated explicitly and forms an integral part of our school ethos. Staff at Roach Vale are provided with up to date information regarding the needs of all the children in our care through regular guidance and training. Children learn about acceptance, diversity and difference in PSHE sessions. All members of the school community are expected to stay vigilant and encouraged to report any incidents of discrimination or inequality. Incidents of this nature will not be tolerated and are dealt with swiftly by Senior Leadership Team. Record keeping is robust.
Roach Vale’s access and accessibility arrangements
Roach Vale offers access to a differentiated curriculum for children with a range of abilities and needs. The school is committed to providing an environment that enables full curriculum access that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory or emotional need. Roach Vale will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments to the school building if required.
Health Care plans to ensure medical and health needs are met are put into place as required, and reviewed regularly.
Please also see the school’s accessibility plan (the link is at the top of this page).
Additional information:
Please click the following link for more information on the local authority’s local offer:
Parents can call the School Nursing Team for advice and support on 0300 247 0015. This service is Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. If your call is not answered, you are welcome to leave a message and your call will be returned.
Parents can call the Educational Psychology Helpline for advice on Mondays 1pm until 5pm number 01245 433293, term time only.
Parents, carers, children and young people can access information, advice and support on issues related to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) from their local SEND Information, Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) and also through the national Contact helpline.
Essex SENDIASS Helpline: 0333 013 8913 (9am-4pm, Monday – Friday, term-time only)
Contact Helpline: 0808 808 3555 (9.30am-5pm, Monday – Friday)
Children's and Adolescent's Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Website:
Contact telephone: 0800 953 0222 (9am-5pm, Monday- Friday)
If you need urgent help or out of hours help: Call NELFT out of hours: 0800 995 1000
For further additional information, please see Roach Vale's SEND policy
Who can I talk to?
If your child has SEND provision and you would like further information, then please contact the school’s SENCo:
Mrs J Canning
01206 861324
Updated: March 2024
Click here: Accessibility Plan 2022
Roach Vale Primary School's SEND Information Report
School Ethos for SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities)
Roach Vale Primary School is inclusive and aims to meet the needs of every pupil. We recognise the importance of quality teaching and that some pupils will, at some stage, require a more personalised approach to enable them to meet their potential. We want our school to be a safe, secure and happy environment where children feel valued and are able to access a balanced, relevant and stimulating curriculum. We understand that sometimes some children will need support that is ‘different from or additional to’ that provided in our differentiated curriculum.
The broad areas of SEND needs are:
We always work within the requirements of the latest SEN Code of Practice.
Identification and Early Intervention
We aim to identify children with SEN using a graduated approach. This will be done using a range of assessments and observations and gathering evidence from teachers, parents, SENCO, support staff and other relevant professionals. Concerns are first raised and addressed through normal classroom practice and observation. Where a pupil is identified as having additional needs, then further support and strategies for learning will be planned to reduce the individual barriers. This could be done through focused group work, specific programs, one to one support or therapeutic support. Other professionals may also be involved where appropriate. Where personalised provision beyond normal, differentiated classroom approaches and learning arrangements are considered appropriate we will work together with the family through a child centred approach. This will take the form of a One Plan. This plan will be monitored and reviewed on a termly basis, involving the parents and children.
Indicators for receiving additional support include: parental concern, teachers or other specialist support – this is supported by evidence that despite a differentiated curriculum and school based interventions over a sustained period:
If a parent thinks their child may have special educational needs or if parents have concerns relating to their child’s learning or inclusion, then please initially discuss these with your child’s teacher. This then may result in a referral to the school SENCO, Mrs Joanne Canning who is a qualified teacher and works Monday - Friday. You can contact her through the school office by telephone, 01206 861324.
Information on the kinds of SEN provision made at Roach Vale
All pupils are provided with high quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. Teachers are responsible for planning work to meet the individual learners’ needs and plan the deployment of additional staff to promote independence and contribute to raising achievement. We also ensure we have appropriate resources in school to support learning for children with SEN.
When a specific need is identified the pupil may be placed in an intervention (1:1 or group work), which may be run by the class teacher or a learning support assisstant. Additional support for children is timetabled by the school as is deemed appropriate, to meet the needs of each individual child. Interventions are planned that respond to learning, emotional, behavioural, physical (eg. fine or gross motor skills) and social needs. These may include: Working together with Lego, Teodorescu Handwriting, Gym Trail, Fine motor skills, Socially Speaking, Personalised Speech and Language programmes set by Speech Therapists, The Power of One, Precision teaching, Little Wandle Phonics. All interventions have pre and post assessment measures and are used to measure impact and progress. We follow the assess, plan, do, review model and interventions are adapted, changed or stopped as required and analysis of progress used to inform future planning. The length of time of the intervention may also vary according to need.
If a pupil’s needs are additional a One Plan is created by the child, parents, SENCO and class teacher and when appropriate other relevant professionals. This process will identify outcomes for the child and how they may be achieved.
If a pupil’s needs are more complex an assessment of educational, health and care needs may be undertaken by the local authority and an EHC Plan developed. Following the Code of Practice 2014 (section 7:2) an EHCP can be requested by a young person (over 16 or an advocate on their behalf), a child’s parent or a person who is acting on behalf of the school. Following this, The Code of Practice (section 7:1) states that the Local Authority must conduct an assessment and then prepare an EHCP when: SEN provision cannot be provided from within resources normally available to mainstream, early years providers and schools; it follows on from One Planning. EHC plans must be focused on the outcomes of each child and create a plan detailing how services will work together to support individual needs. These are then reviewed annually. An assessment will not always lead to the creation of an EHCP.
At Roach Vale we have a pastoral Support Team which includes a school based ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and a play therapist/family support worker from ‘Emerging Butterflies’. This means we can provide emotional and mental wellbeing support that focusses on nurturing the individual needs of each child, as well as providing support for families and parents with appropriate strategies to address parental concerns.
Partnership Ethos with the school
We believe that home and school should work together in partnership to provide the best possible outcomes for each child. Parents and carers are encouraged to take an active involvement in school life; for example, supporting home learning, attending meetings and helping out with events and activities. We ask parents and carers to share relevant information from home with us and we aim to provide information about each child that is helpful and clear. This will include regular progress reports, access to support from other professionals e.g. School Nurse, Play Therapist, Family Support Worker and information relating to individual plans.
How can parents help to support their child?
Arrangements for consulting with children and young people with SEN
At Roach Vale our approach to SEND support is child centred. We want all of our children, including those with SEND, to feel confident and to have high expectations of themselves so that they can achieve. Children with SEND share their thoughts and feelings alongside their parents/carers views and the views of the school staff and relevant professionals within discussions about their education e.g. when writing a One Plan or Annual Review. The child is always invited to attend their One Plan meeting and share their views, although when it is not deemed appropriate for the child to attend these meetings, due to individual needs, their views are obtained separately and added into the plan. Other opportunities for gathering pupil voice may be through informal discussions with their class teacher or the SENCO and pupil perception surveys.
Complaints concerning to the provision made at the school for pupils with SEND
We encourage parents to raise any questions or concerns with us at an early stage, in order that issues can be resolved quickly and informally. We will look to achieve mutual understanding and agreement about all matters relating to an individual pupil. We encourage parents to discuss their concerns firstly with their class teacher, then the school's SENCO (Mrs Canning) as they are often best to resolve concerns about the child.
Should a parent feel that a significant concern has not been sufficiently resolved, they should address the matter in writing to the Head Teacher (Miss Denyer) in the first instance. The school will then follow the Complaints Procedure where necessary.
Please see the Complaints Policy (a copy can also be requested from the school office)
Information about the expertise of staff and how specialist expertise will be secured:
The school provides relevant training to staff to ensure current needs are met. Through our partnership with other local schools in our local authority cluster group we are kept up to date on additional provision strategies and share examples of good practise.
All teaching and support staff are responsible for all children in their care, including those with SEN. They are responsible for ensuring the needs of each child are met (education, health and social) and ongoing staff training and development is planned to meet this requirement.
Where a child has a specific need, relevant training, advice and support can be accessed on a child’s behalf through:
The SENCO will make appropriate referrals to support the child’s needs, in liaison with the family, and will continue to liaise with outside agencies where an assessment has indicated a need.
Information about assessment, reviewing progress and adaptations to curriculum, additional support and wider support
The progress of all children, including those with SEN, is monitored and assessed regularly (termly) by class teachers, subject leaders and senior managers. If the school has concerns about the progress of individual pupils, further analysis/investigation will be carried out to identify what the barriers are and what could be done to overcome them. Pupils and parents/carers will be consulted where appropriate.
All pupils on the SEN register have termly One Plan meetings. These are used in part to plan provision of interventions, and includes discussion and monitoring of progress, the setting of new outcomes and discussion of strategies to be used to increase attainment. The outcomes on children’s One Plans will be monitored regularly and reviewed with the parents and child termly - copies are then sent home.
Adjustments to the type of support/level and/or the curriculum will be made where necessary. Any adjustments will be recorded, monitored and evaluated in consultation with pupils and parents/carers. This consultation may involve other professionals or agencies.
The SENCO has an open door policy, and will endeavour to see parents as soon as possible if an appointment is requested. Contact can be made in person, via telephone or appointments can be made via the school office.
Information about resources, equipment and facilities to support children with SEN
The school makes every effort to ensure all children have full access to the curriculum and, where possible, specific equipment and facilities are provided. We have a variety of specialist resources to support learning, for example:
Visual timetables, bespoke visual supports – now and then boards, pencil grips, writing slopes, wobble cushions, sensory fiddle toys, overlays/reading rulers, talking postcards, chair bands, footrests.
Children may also be supported by:
If anything further is required this can be sourced by the school itself. If a child has complex/severe special educational needs, we could also receive additional funding from the Local Authority to meet the agreed outcomes.
Children with Medical Needs
Pupils with medical needs will be provided with an Individual Health and Care Plan and Risk Assessment where necessary. These will be compiled in partnership with the school nurse and parents and the pupil themselves.
Staff who administer and supervise medications, have all had up to date Paediatric First aid training. All medicine administration procedures adhere to the LA policy and Department of Education (DfE) guidelines included within ‘Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions (DfE) 2015 (updated August 2017) and identified in the School Medicine Administration Policy.
Support for children’s overall well-being
The school offers several strategies for emotional and wellbeing support, these include:
School arrangements for signposting pupils transferring between stages of education and preparing for independent living
At each yearly Summer transition point throughout the school children spend at least one morning in their new class with the new staff. Where it is appropriate additional visits to classes, toilets etc. will be organised in order for the children to further familiarise themselves with the staff and setting. If required transition photobooks will be made. Towards the end of the Summer term transition One Plan meetings take place with the child, parents, SENCO and both the current and next year’s class teachers.
When pupils transfer to Secondary school, the Year 6 staff and SENCO will meet with each school to transfer information. All school records will transfer, including historical SEN records. Where it is deemed appropriate the SENCO will also liaise with the Secondary school SENCO to arrange additional transition arrangements. It may also be necessary to seek advice from the school inclusion partner or Social Care to support with transitions.
For year 6 pupils with an EHCP the secondary SENCo will be invited to Annual reviews and One plan meetings during the final year. Additional visits will be arranged in the Summer term with the completion of an updated One Page profile.
The school will directly involve the pupil and parents/carers in all arrangements.
Admission arrangements for Children with SEND
The admission arrangements for all pupils are in accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. This includes children with any level of SEND; those with Education, Health and Care Plans and those without.
The SENCO and Class Teacher initiate contact with parents and pre-schools when the school is alerted of the additional needs of a child. Parents and pre-school settings are then invited to liaise with the school in order to organise transition arrangements. When children join Roach Vale after Early Years Foundation Stage, we endeavour to gain as much information as possible about the child’s needs and the support that child has received from their previous school. There may also be a need to contact outside agencies.
Preventing pupils with SEND being treated less favourably than other pupils
Please read this section alongside Roach Vales Anti-Bullying Policy. At Roach Vale we are determined that all members of our school community are treated with fairness and respect. This determination is communicated explicitly and forms an integral part of our school ethos. Staff at Roach Vale are provided with up to date information regarding the needs of all the children in our care through regular guidance and training. Children learn about acceptance, diversity and difference in PSHE sessions. All members of the school community are expected to stay vigilant and encouraged to report any incidents of discrimination or inequality. Incidents of this nature will not be tolerated and are dealt with swiftly by Senior Leadership Team. Record keeping is robust.
Roach Vale’s access and accessibility arrangements
Roach Vale offers access to a differentiated curriculum for children with a range of abilities and needs. The school is committed to providing an environment that enables full curriculum access that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory or emotional need. Roach Vale will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments to the school building if required.
Health Care plans to ensure medical and health needs are met are put into place as required, and reviewed regularly.
Please also see the school’s accessibility plan (the link is at the top of this page).
Additional information:
Please click the following link for more information on the local authority’s local offer:
Parents can call the School Nursing Team for advice and support on 0300 247 0015. This service is Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. If your call is not answered, you are welcome to leave a message and your call will be returned.
Parents can call the Educational Psychology Helpline for advice on Mondays 1pm until 5pm number 01245 433293, term time only.
Parents, carers, children and young people can access information, advice and support on issues related to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) from their local SEND Information, Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) and also through the national Contact helpline.
Essex SENDIASS Helpline: 0333 013 8913 (9am-4pm, Monday – Friday, term-time only)
Contact Helpline: 0808 808 3555 (9.30am-5pm, Monday – Friday)
Children's and Adolescent's Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Website:
Contact telephone: 0800 953 0222 (9am-5pm, Monday- Friday)
If you need urgent help or out of hours help: Call NELFT out of hours: 0800 995 1000
For further additional information, please see Roach Vale's SEND policy
Who can I talk to?
If your child has SEND provision and you would like further information, then please contact the school’s SENCo:
Mrs J Canning
01206 861324
Updated: March 2024